Anime are Japanese animated products featuring hand-drawn or computer animation.The term, "anime" itself did not emerge until the mid 1980, and its intended meaning of the term sometimes varies depending on the context.Arguably, the stabilization approach to the meaning may open up the possibility of anime produced in the countries, other than Japan. Yet, for simplicity, many Westerners strictly view anime as an animation product from Japan. The earliest Japanese animation dates to 1971, and many original Japanese animations were produced in the ensuing decades.Anime is primary used for animated T.V series, featured films, and Internet-based releases. Both hand-drawn and computer-animated anime exist. As the market for anime increased in Japan, it also gained popularity in East and Southeast Asia. Anime is currently popular world wide.
Japanese write the English term"animation"; anime in short for this. Many sources claim that anime derives from the French phrase dessin animé, however this is debated. The pronunciation of anime in Japanese giffers signigicantly from the Standard English, which has the vowels and stress. In Japan, the term anime does not specify an animation's nation of origin or style; instead, it serves as a blanket term to refer to all forms of animation from around the world. English-language dictionaries define anime as "a Japanese style of motion-picture animation" or as "a style of animation developed in Japan".
Japanese write the English term"animation"; anime in short for this. Many sources claim that anime derives from the French phrase dessin animé, however this is debated. The pronunciation of anime in Japanese giffers signigicantly from the Standard English, which has the vowels and stress. In Japan, the term anime does not specify an animation's nation of origin or style; instead, it serves as a blanket term to refer to all forms of animation from around the world. English-language dictionaries define anime as "a Japanese style of motion-picture animation" or as "a style of animation developed in Japan".
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