Grand Theft Auto, officially known as GTA, is a British video game series created by David Jones and Mike Dailly then later by Dan and Sam Houser and game designer Zachary Clarke. It is primarily developed by Rockstar North in United Kingdom and published by rockstar games. The name of the series is derived from "grand theft auto" , referring to motor vehicle theft. The series has won multiple awards. The game is set in fictional locales American cities, while as expansion for original was based in London. The subject if the games is usually a comedic satire of American culture, but the series has gained controversy for its adult nature and violent themes. The series focues around many different protagonists who attempt to rise through the ranks of the criminal underworld, although their motives for doing so vary in each game.
Each game in this series allows players to take on the role of a criminal or a wannabe in the big city, typically an individual who plans to rise through the ranks of organized crime through the course of the game. The player is given various missions by kingpins and major idols which must be completed to progress through the storyline. Assassinations and other violent crimes are featured regularly. Occasionally taxi driving, firefighting, street racing. bus driving, or learning to fly helicopters and fixed-sing aircraft are also involved.
Each game in this series allows players to take on the role of a criminal or a wannabe in the big city, typically an individual who plans to rise through the ranks of organized crime through the course of the game. The player is given various missions by kingpins and major idols which must be completed to progress through the storyline. Assassinations and other violent crimes are featured regularly. Occasionally taxi driving, firefighting, street racing. bus driving, or learning to fly helicopters and fixed-sing aircraft are also involved.
- 1997- Grand Theft Auto
- 1999- Grand Theft Auto:London , Grand Theft Auto 2
- 2001- Grand Theft Auto 3
- 2002- Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
- 2004- Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas , Grand Theft Auto Advance
- 2005- Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
- 2006- Grand Theft Auto : Vice City Stories
- 2008- Grand Theft Auto 4
- 2009- Grand Theft Auto: the lost and damned , Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars , Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony
- 2013- Grand Theft Auto 5
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